Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Welcome to Riley’s World! is up and running - and now my blog is too!!!

I’m terrible at introductions, but I’ll give it a shot since this is my blog. I’m Riley Shane, Romance Author.

That’s not terribly informative, is it? I’m also a native Californian who has spent the years since graduating high school bouncing around the world at every opportunity. I am a graduate of Vassar College where – despite often being distracted by British Literature – I received my Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. I’m an avid reader who spends much of my time engrossed in romance novels…when I’m not being shanghaied by the loud, demanding, often-crazy characters that live in my head. Right now you can find me in Northern California, but who knows where I’ll be next? So long as I have my laptop and most discerning critic with me, I’m ready to travel and write from wherever the wind may take me.

Okay, enough about me.  Let's talk books.  I'm thrilled to announce that my first short story, "The Taste of Magick," will be out in 10 days.  It's part of Torquere Press' Halloween Sip line.  Like sexy warlocks?  How about two?  More details - and an excerpt - will be coming soon.

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